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Showing posts from 2015

Two Thousand and Fifteen

So I want to write a blog post summarising this year. WHERE DO I EVEN BEGIN LOL. I mean if you know me well enough you'd know that this year has been CUH-RAY-ZEE. Yeah every year is crazy in its own way since there are so many days and so many happenings, but this year is truly one of those years that really challenge me and make me grow up a little bit. Less innocent and less naive now, probably (I'd better be after all the traumatising experience that I've had this year lol.) But all in all, I'm glad that 2015 is coming to and end and while I still have a few last hurdles to jump over in the last 3 days of the year (writing this on 29 December - dunno when I will finish and publish the post because you know that I'm a horrible procrastinator), here's to a better 2016! I really don't know how to structure this post so maybe I'll jump into the big life events that happened this year? 1. arounDINHeurope It's easy to focus on the negative things

#arounDINHeurope: Bonn this way (part 2).

Yay I finally sit my ass down and make another blog entry about my exchange journeys! At the same café as the last time HAHAHA because I can't do anything productive at home. I mean this is not that productive considering I still have a billion things to do, mostly things that are privilege-laden though, so I shouldn't be complaining. A LOT of things have happened since the last blog post but I kinda have to catch up since the last blog post's ending, so I guess you're gonna have to wait (let's be real though, who's even reading lol. HI EUSTACIA!) to know what dramatic things happened. But here we go. So apparently I ended my last blog post with my first trip - Brussels, Bruges and Cologne (I had to re-read my blog coz I wrote it 1.5 months ago and have forgotten everything.) After which I finally moved to Bonn and settled in and everything. It was, a less-than-pleasant experience, to be quite honest: being alone and not knowing anyone, all the very complica

#arounDINHeurope: the beginning!

SO I haven't posted an entry in like agesss. Sorry about that (not that anyone cares but still.) But I have good reasons! A LOT have happened over the past 3 months or so. I'm sitting in a campus café in Bonn, Germany reflecting over this super exciting and learning journey that I've been experiencing. Doesn't that sound pretentious? Hehe. I still remember the first moment that I sat on the train from Frankfurt to Cologne after 21-ish hours of flying (and transiting - which, in my opinion, is better than sitting on a plane for a straight 12 hours because that just ain't cute for your butt and thigh and everything else), seeing the German scenery for the first time - windmills, big beautiful fields, mountains, SNOW (albeit only on the ground), and I had a moment (cue the dramatic music). I was so tired, but so happy and thankful that I was actually given the opportunity and capital to be in freaking Europe for 5 months! If you ask me 5 years ago I'd be like - n