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Showing posts from 2022

It's another New Year!

If you know me, you know that I don't usually do new year's resolutions. Because what is time but a social construct? Like ok, I see the point, and if it helps to motivate people into doing things, good for them. But I've never been the kind of person that is able to follow through with something if I plan them too rigorously. But then again, now that I'm 5.5 years into the corporate life, I realise that planning is important, and not even for the kind of big picture capitalist goals/visions/missions thing that companies do, but even for the day to day kind of work, because of how technologies have created this need to be super 'efficient' and 'productive'. Sometimes I wish that writing a blog post like this could be considered 'productive' as well in this capitalist world, because then I may be more motivated to write more than one post per year. Remember the time that I wanted to write one blog post per week and I wrote like 5 posts? Lol. Anywa