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Life in quarantine

Ah hello, it's been a while. Not that anyone visits this blog anymore lol. But it's still good to be able to write things out some time.

So we're entering the third week of lockdown here in Singapore. Yes it is a lockdown despite what the formal term is. And me, being a good citizen and law-abiding non-Singaporean, is staying at home. Thank you e-commerce and delivery services (as well as frontliners and health workers, of course).

It's interesting to see how things are panning out, at least from the way people are reacting to this. For me personally, I really don't mind being at home for most of my week, but I do enjoy the very rare trips to the convenience stores nearby or just to check my mails downstairs. I've grown increasingly lazy to even go out to a supermarket and buy actual grocery - luckily my roommates will be happy to help.

Generally I do feel that people are frustrated because they don't have a choice - das ist nicht freiwillig! (Yes I've also been learning German and honestly it's the best part of my week, before and during quarantine). People generally like to believe that they are making their own #choices. However, I don't know if enough people are using this opportunity to take a step back and think about those choices and whether they're truly freiwillig, or is it a result of socialisation and ingrained beliefs about people and society. It has been super cool though to see more so-called invisible issues in Singapore getting more attention, from the under-privileged Singaporean communities to the foreign workers whose actual living conditions are gaining the attention of the usual Singaporeans, instead of just those who care to dig for information.

I'm not really sure what I'm rambling about, but I think that as someone who has quite a number of privileges, I feel that it's important to extend some help and raise some awareness to those that need the most. While I appreciate the thoughts behind the singing and clapping, why don't we also donate to those who are really in a much more vulnerable position than us now?

Finally, it's also quite interesting to see some of my friends being more vocal about certain issues. I think as we grow up, experience life and gain a deeper, more critical understanding of how the world works, we tend to become more cynical and, well, tired - having that thought that our input doesn't matter and won't change anything. I think deep down, I do want to be able to influence some positive changes, and that won't happen if I keep quiet. So it's something that I can reflect and think about how I can do better, whether in a simple tweet or Instagram story to start out with.

/end of rambling

P.S. for a lighter note, I've been absolutely enjoying typing on a mechanical keyboard and if you want to try something out, give Keychron a go! #not sponsored

P.P.S. yes I've been shopping online more often and will definitely look into purchasing a pair of shoes from Allbirds when I need shoes (which is not now - try to only buy when you need something, not just for the sake of it being cool/sustainable/whatever it is that entices you to buy something). But seriously, check out Allbirds because it seems pretty cool


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