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Happy New Year 2015!

Even though it's just a normal day like any other, the mark of a new year has always been a special one. It prompts celebrations, rest days for working people, and of course time for reflection as a "new year" is about to come, and that we should look back to the previous year and see what we've done, as well as set "resolutions" for the upcoming year so we can be better people. Personally I have never been very good at either of those things - reflections are not something I do outside the compulsory academic kind lol, and I never really believe in new year resolutions since they will not be fulfilled anyway. But 2014 was a really special year in many ways, and through many experience and events that have happened, I start to feel the need to reflect (and record down these reflections so I won't forget them the next day. I think it's a sign of aging that I've been more and more forgetful...) and learn from what I've been through, rather than just brush them aside and continue living a happy, carefree life. Nothing wrong with that, it's just that I don't think I will be truly happy and carefree for a very long time living like that.

2014 has been special. It's somewhat a coming-of-age year for me with all the things that have happened. I was inspired by a friend of mine who graduated a valedictorian and is now doing things that she loves and are meaningful to the world at the same time. I was too fortunate to perform overseas in a huge stadium at a regional/international event. I was introduced to a whole new world that I never dared step foot in, met great new friends who challenged my carefree attitudes and made me realise that I had to work hard and not just wait and hope for what I want. I met people who made me drop my facade and become vulnerable, who made me dig deep and think about my life and myself in ways I have never done (or dared to do) before. And the constant people who appear in my life making it a bit more exciting/fun/bearable (depending on the occasion) made me realise how wonderfully blessed I am to even be here and have all the opportunities that I have had and will be having in the future.

2015 shall be that year that I become more sure of myself, more confident of myself. It shall be the year that I care less about what other people think, focus on what is going on before my eyes with the fullest attention (taking selfies in between is fine though). I shall read more, exercise more, practise more. I shall care more about people who actually care about me and are important in my life. I shall strive to be a positive energy when I'm around people. I shall not let anything or anyone but myself define who I am and what I can be.

Things change. People change. Let's all change for the better!

And of course, the mandatory new year's playlist that was generated by my phone's shuffle playback.


Happy New Year everyone!


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